Wedded Bliss

We've been having a fantastic time in Florida this week.  I have lots to tell and so many fun photos, but they'll have to wait until we get home.  But, I wanted to get this little story down from Vivien before I forget it.  We were on the beach today, the girls and Milo were catching crabs and I was being the photographer.  After a while, I sat down to look at the pics on the display and Vivien walked over to me. She sat down to eat some blueberries, and was deep in thought. I snapped a few pictures of her, and then we started to chat. Here was our conversation:

V: Remember that you got married, Mum?
H: Yes, I do remember.
V: Was I there?
H: Nope - not yet.  
V: Where was I?
H: You were still in Heaven.
V: Oh yeah.  I remember!  I had lots of friends there.
H: I bet that you did.
V: Avery was my best friend there.  And Heavenly Father is really nice.
H: I'm so glad, Vivs.
V: I can't wait to get bigger.
H: Why, baby?
V: So that I can marry Daddy, too.
H: Well, you can get married when you're bigger, but not to Daddy.
V: WHY NOT?? (sad)
H: Because he's your Daddy - and he's already married.
V: Oh yeah - to you, right Mum?
H: Yup, to me.  But, he'll be a grandpa for your babies!
V: (astonished!) Daddy will be my GRANDPA??
H: No - just to your babies.  He'll always be your daddy.
V: And he'll always be your husband?
H: Yes - he'll always be my husband.
V: I'm glad.
H: Me, too.

Then, she shot me the cutest crinkle nosed smile, and ran off to be with her sisters again. . . *sigh*.  


Anonymous said…
awwww. so sweet! sometimes i wish we could write down all the sweet conversations we have with them...
susan g said…
So stinkin' cute!
The Amayesings said…
How cute. Good to write those moments down!

PS how did Madison do at her swim meet?
Jen B. said…
So sweet! What a smart and cute little girl you have.

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