
Well, we've been asked and asked over the last couple of years if and when we were getting pregnant again. . . the last several months, however, the inquiring minds have been a LOT more inquisitive. It's understandable, with most of our friends, sisters, sister-in-laws expecting babies this year. It seems there's something in the water, So - here's our official announcement . . . *I'm drinking FILTERED water*. No chance of 'catching' that way!! But, a heartfelt congratulations on all of my beloved sisters & friends who are (or just did!). But, I did lead you on just a little, didn't I??? ;-)


Skye O. said…
Ewww..that was mean! Good thing I read your entry and not just looked at the picture. I would've thought you were positive.
The Kalcichs said…
You are a tease, Hilary!
Anonymous said…
just when i had given up asking the question....
TOTALLY! You stinker!... funny though. I'm right there with ya sistah!
mechan said…
I drink filtered water also and I am 5 months
Melissa J. said…
Ha ha're too funny! It does seem like EVERYONE is pregnant, just not you, I guess... :o)

(By the way, when I commented on this, I had to do that word verification thing that drives you so nuts...) :o)
I made me look!!
Jen B. said…
How funny -- I was just thinking the other day that it was your turn with all the other pregnant gals amongst you.
Robyn said…
You're a snot. You're also right. Why does pregnancy seems to come in waves?
Orme Family said…
Oh my gosh are you pregnant??!!
ha,ha,just kidding.
Love ya and miss you!
Bella said…
OH GOSH, THat was mean!!! hahaha You did totally have me ON NOT being prego! ahahah

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