Not Sure

I'm not sure about this blogging thing anymore. . . I love it for a lot of reasons - and I love following those of my friends & family - but lately something is holding me back from letting loose online. . . maybe because if I'm sick of talking about my trials then I'm sure you're sick of hearing about them - and the last couple of months they've been a little more on the forefront . . . and this isn't the forum to complain, anyway - so bad news is kind of no news, isn't it? But then what about the fun, the funny and the great? Because, of course, there's so much of that! Well, I've been hesitant about that as well. . .partly because I'm thinking it's time to go private, and partly because I hate going out of chronological order, and if there's something I want to post that happened BEFORE something I'm ready to post - it's just easier to skip the posting all together! Anyway - so that's the explanation as to why there's been no activity on our little account here. . . I'll for sure do my annual Christmas/New Year slide show - and the rest is to be determined!!


dawn said…
I have really missed the Thurber gang. I hope you get back in to the blogging thing.
Anonymous said…
i've been missing you too. however, i totally understand thinking about making it private. privacy is the one reason i don't blog. either way, i think you put too much pressure on yourself about the chronology of events...
Melissa J. said…
I say stick with it! And who cares how and when you post stuff? It's YOUR blog. We all just have fun reading it. :o) And I say go private - it makes me feel a little bit better having my kids faces out there and knowing that not just anyone can easily see our blog. Looking forward to your slideshow! :o)
Mandy said…
I really enjoy reading your blog but if you do choose to go private, I would love to still be able to read it. I was private for a lot of reasons, but now I am back to public for different reasons. Whatever you decide, I'm sure people will still read your blog.
Jen B. said…
I feel your pain -- esp. about wanting to stay chronological but I will just miss you too much if I don't hear from you :-)
Orme Family said…
I have gone through a lot of those same feelings about blogging. And there are times when I really want to vent like crazy...but I know I will regret it. I have never thought of your blog as a "boring" blog because you always say exactly what is on your mind, and the true Hilary shines through. By the way, I totally miss you and your family!!!
P.S. Have you seen people who have printed their blogs? They make the coolest books and I totally plan on doing it.
Robyn said…
No! How else can we keep up with your family? It's just a little glimpse into your life that makes me feel like we're still somewhat connected.

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