
We are currently trying to put out the first "fire" in regards to our immigration. This is attempting to recapture time on our H1B visa. If/when this is approved by the government, then we can focus on finding a way to remain living and working in the United States.

This is the documentation that I'd prepared as of last night. This morning, there were an additional 3 notarized letters, and almost 40 photos that had to be individually notated and time stamped, as well as the documentation sent to the government at the time of the original application. Each time we went out of the Country (we only went to Canada) has it's own 'event', all cross referenced with notarized letters, receipts, ticket stubs, invitations, etc. It's been mind numbing, tedious work, but hopefully all worth it. A HUGE thank you to all of you who provided letters and went through the pain of getting things notarized. We'll keep you updated. . .


Anonymous said…
Ick! What a pain. I hope this works for you guys. I wish I had more days I could've included. I really hope this works. Have fun with your sis! -Mary
Lauren said…
been thinking about you guys ever since megan filled me in on what's going on. what a frustrating and heart wrenching thing to deal with. we're keeping you in our prayers and hoping for the very best. hope you know there's lots of love for you out here in las vegas!

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