It's Official!!

We're on our way home! We successfully made it over the border yesterday - the visa processing went relatively smoothly. We're not as squished in the van as we've (temporarily) adopted a trailer! We're very grateful to Grammy and Papa Moe and we think about them with every leg stretch and butt wiggle!!! We're in North Dakota now, and working our way across the country. Because of our shorter day yesterday (giving enough time for border issues, etc), we'll have to take 4 days of intense driving to get home instead of three maniacal days. . . we're looking forward to once again having our own home.

See you soon, Michigan!


beth said…
HOORAY! I'm so glad it worked out for you guys!
Anonymous said…
it was nice to have you.... but i'm happy for your sake that you're going home!! safe travels, thurbers :-)
Bella said…
The Kalcichs said…
Can't wait to see you guys! Let me know what I can do to help you settle in.
cori said…
Hooray! Congratulations and I hope the rest of your trip is uneventful!
Celeste Adams said…
YEAHHHH! I can't wait to see you and your family! Its been FOREVER! We will have to do dinner again and catch up on the last 6 months. CRAZY! Drive safe!
Chel said…
So glad to hear your "vaca" is over...
So sad that we're not there to welcome you back...
Good luck with the reentering your life and safe travels!!
Melissa J. said…
Have a safe trip - see you soon!

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