When it Rains. . .


It has rained on us a LOT this year. More figuratively than literally, of course. But, we've found so many ways to enjoy that rain. Here's one of the fun ways - while we were in Alberta this past year, Grammy noticed that the girls didn't have rain boots. It became her mission while we were there to find the very functional (not to mention SUPER CUTE) galoshes for our girls. Since then, they've gotten a lot of use, and we're very thankful for them, and for Grammy!


Chel said…
Super cute.. hope they're having fun splish-splashing :)
The Lunds said…
i love the boots, pumpkins and cakes. That sure was some pretty cool art work for a few years. Maybe the previous artist went on to something better.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving with the girls!

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