Thurber Gang Christmas Card 2010

Our unconventional Christmas card. . . We wish you a very Merry Christmas, and a fabulous new year!!


Mandy said…
That is so cute! I love it! What a great looking family you have Hilary. Merry Christmas to you too.
HAHAHAH!! Awesome! Why isn't Milo singing???
Anonymous said…
*SOOO* great!!! natalie wants to know 'why milo doesn't know what he's doing....???' ha,ha!!!!! merry christmas, thurbs!!!!!
beth said…
THAT WAS AWESOME! Merry Christmas!
Melissa J. said…
Cute - Merry Christmas, Thurbers!! Milo looks like he was learning the choreography as he was going along! :o) He's a good sport...all you girls getting him to dance and put it on YouTube...
Robyn said…
How cute is that??!! Thanks for sharing!

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