Memories . . .

I stole this from Tamara.

1. Leave a comment on my blog, one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.


Ok...I'll play. Soooo many things I can pick, but I remember playing "2 truths and a lie" at a Christmas party a few years ago. Someone mentioned that you could tell someone was lying because they always looked away while telling it. You refused to believe this and for probably 10 minutes you tried so hard to tell a lie without looking away. You are a TERRIBLE liar... and you were so sillly that night! :)
ThurberGang said…
I don't have any recollection of that, Natalie!! How funny. . .But, I *AM* a terrible liar. I've really never gotten away with any . . .
mechan said…
I remember how much fun fun you had playing rock band at our last FHE get together and how much fun you were at the FHe group
Tam said…
Oh, Hilary, where do I start? Almost everytime I think about our year in Detroit my thoughts go to you. You were such a beaming, sparkling happy light for me there. Thanks a bunch!
The Amayesings said…
I'm in...#1: One of our first Christmas parties at Burnettes house, you were in charge of the games. I don't remember what it was, but it was really fun and I got a kick out of you getting a kick out of the fun of it all. #2: Not a specific memory, but in general, you have always been so good at expressing gratitude. Thank you for your example!
Tulip Girl said…
I remember a RS lesson where you shared your testimony of a General Conference talk. It was about prayer and how you knew Heavenly Father trusted you. It touched me and answered my prayers about the same topic. (I must have just had Lydia cause I hadn't read the conference issue yet;)
Tracie said…
One of my favorite memories was making cinnamon rolls at your house and we were both crying we were laughting so hard. There was flour all over the floor and we weer slipping around in it and having a great time. Ahhh, the good ole' days!
Robyn said…
Ok...I guess I'm a little late at playing the game. I will always remember that Primary board meeting when we were supposed to write something we admired about someone else. NOBODY wrote anything about me and I was SO embarrased! You quickly made something up about me (and my awful sharing time the Sunday before) so that I wouldn't feel so bad. It was cheesy, but so incredibly thoughtful. I will probably always remember that. Thank you.
Jen B. said…
Hey Hil, you are going to kill me for my first memory/comment. Remember when you first moved into the ward and in Relief Society you were asked to stand up and show your little legs. FUNNY! You are still as sexy and skinny as ever. Some other better memories -- always there to help (when I was in the hospital and you took in Annalyse, when the basement flooded and you came even though I said I had it under control, taking a kid when I looked stressed, etc. etc. etc.). Some of the other fun times were watching late night movies at the house, coming over for Sunday dinners, baseball games, Church basketball, and over-the-top AMAZING b-day parties for your girls (even went so far as to roast a pig). We could talk forEVER -- get two chatter bugs together and boy were were in trouble.
Michelle said…
This isn't a specific memory, but one thing I will always remember you for Hilary is that I have never seen you angry. You always have a smile on your face.

And something a little more specific. A few years ago at an enrichment meeting you were talking about how you had your girls help you clean and even when they didn't do something perfect, like sweep all the corners of the floor, you never went back and did it over again because your girls were proud to help. Now that Nathan wants to be a little helper I have to remember your words. I'd rather have a happy child than a spotless house any day!

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