No More Babies. . .

I can't believe that my little Vivie is THREE. Three YEARS old!!! Incredible. . . She has a passion for life and a strong little personality!! And, she's never short of witty and clever things to say. She walked into the bathroom a few minutes ago, and just stood there. I followed her and asked her if she needed anything, and she lazily replied, 'No. . . I just need to do my paperwork. . . in the bathtub.' What a silly sweetie. . . The other thing she does is love everything. . . for example: "The tea is too hot, sweetie!" "That's ok. I love hot!" or "I love too heavy!" or "I love prickles!" with a shrug of her cute little shoulders. . . a couple of weeks ago I was getting quite frustrated with her and I said, "Vivie - I'm not very happy about . . . " to which she replied, (while gently stroking my face!), "I'm happy with you, mommy!" Thank goodness for those moments. Heavenly Father knows I NEED them!!


Jen B. said…
What a total SWEET-E!!! She is so funny. I miss all her comments in sacrament meeting or her random thoughts. Happy belated b-day little gal!

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