I'm Back!
I am *finally* beginning to feel like myself again - just in time to bust out some Christmas projects! And, I've learned that when life hands you lemons - you really *can* make lemondade!! After almost three weeks of no solid food, I'm happily fitting into my skinny jeans!! Now, don't worry - I'll be ready to fold them up and put them away as my eating gets better, but in the meantime, it's a nice reminder that things are better than they sometimes seem!!! The bad news is that I canceled my last dentist appointment. I got the reminder call, and just COULDN'T do it. I'll have to go soon, but I just need a few more days of no work being done in this poor mouth!!! Anyway, I should be back here a little more often now that I'm not so medicated and out of it! Hope you are all doing well and your own Christmas is as bright as mine!