I'm Back!

I am *finally* beginning to feel like myself again - just in time to bust out some Christmas projects! And, I've learned that when life hands you lemons - you really *can* make lemondade!! After almost three weeks of no solid food, I'm happily fitting into my skinny jeans!! Now, don't worry - I'll be ready to fold them up and put them away as my eating gets better, but in the meantime, it's a nice reminder that things are better than they sometimes seem!!! The bad news is that I canceled my last dentist appointment. I got the reminder call, and just COULDN'T do it. I'll have to go soon, but I just need a few more days of no work being done in this poor mouth!!! Anyway, I should be back here a little more often now that I'm not so medicated and out of it! Hope you are all doing well and your own Christmas is as bright as mine!


susan g said…
I was sorry to hear about your mouth troubles. Glad you're feeling better!
The Amayesings said…
Glad to hear that you're on the mend. My boys just had teeth pulled yesterday and I thought of you. (Their dentist shares space w/an endodontist.) Hope that last one isn't as bad. Tooth pain is the worst.
Jen B. said…
Glad that you are feeling better -- what a long time to get sick. Wish I was there to bring you yummy soup from panera.

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