It Happened AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's what our basement is looking like. . . Madison screamed when she saw it and asked if we needed to go to a hotel again. . . we cleaned it up the best we could and the plumber is coming in the morning. . . anyone want to scream with me????? My pretty new basement. . . sob. . .


Anonymous said…
That is NOT fair. I am so sorry! I hope it is a much easier clean up than last time, and no loss!
I can't believe it again!! Let us know if we can help at all.
Anonymous said…
oh man!!!! hopefully there won't be any damage this time. good luck with the plumber today....
Tam said…
so sorry! hope it's a fast fix and doesn't happen again. that happened to us when we were living there, two years worth of my college notes and a text book were ruined, but at least the place was a rental and not our own. best of luck with that mess, no fun.
mechan said…
I can home to a flooded basement. what a way to end my mini vacation
Robyn said…
Yes, I want to scream with you...AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!
Jen B. said…
Holy COW! You MUST be kidding me! What a bummer!!!!!

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