These Days. . .

I'll post pictures when I can load them on my computer -probably when we get to Calgary. . .but here's a little update on what's going on for the Thurber Gang. . .

Last Sunday some friends threw us a "Going Away Party". . . It was wonderful to be able to see so many of our good friends. Mary had organized the best surprise/gift I think I've ever been given - a scrapbook, with each page made by close friends that we've made in Michigan. I didn't want to look at it in front of everyone - my emotions were already out of check, and I knew looking at that would send me over the edge!! Thank you EVERYONE who helped with that. We are so blessed with the friends that we have. Milo and I listened to the saddest choir of sobs all the way home - our girls having a very hard time with the departure - it's one thing to move away, knowing where you're going, knowing you'll put down new roots - it's another thing to go on a vacation, knowing that you'll be back at an appointed time. It's quite another thing entirely to be forced to leave and really not know when we're coming back. For Milo and I, it's scary and frustrating, but for the girls, it's absolutely devastating. We're doing our best making things out to be a big adventure, and the girls are doing well following our lead, but there are moments. . . moments that are not quite so easy.

We packed up our house, with the exception of big furniture, and stored it in a friend's attic (see what I mean? great friends!) and have *another* friend staying out our house for us, keeping it safe. We pulled out Monday the 15th, in the morning, heading to Davenport, Iowa, and our friends Em, Sam, Molly, Ally and Katin. The closer we got, the happier we all felt. We had a *fantastic* time there, playing, talking, eating. . . We left Tuesday night (after filling up on ice cream at Whitey's of course!) we drove on to Lincoln, NE. The girls were all sound asleep in the car by 9:00 - exhausted from their week of sleepovers, state swimming, packing, and teary goodbyes. We arrived at the hotel at 10:50. The pool closed at 11:00. We woke up the girls, ran into our rooms, changed into our swimming suits 'speedy quick' and walked past the front desk at 10:55. I reassured the workers that we would be out in 5 minutes - that the girls would just jump in a few times and then we'd head to bed, but they were WONDERFUL and told us they'd just close it late - for us to stay in as long as we wanted. It was a good time for us, just our family, splashing and playing in the big pool. . . our adventure was officially underway.

I'll continue our week a little later - it's time to go to Temple Square in SLC. . . can't wait. For now, I'll leave you the lyrics of a song that has been a perfect 'theme song' for me. . .

Just Let Me Cry - by Hilary Weeks.
I believe that everything happens for a reason.
We’re not just tossed by the wind, or left in the hands of fate.
But sometimes life sends a storm that’s unexpected.
And we’re forced to face our deepest pain.
When I feel the heartache begin to pull me under...
I dig my heels in deep,
and I fight to keep my ground.
Still, at times the hurt inside grows stronger.
And there’s nothing I can do but let out...

Just let me cry.
I know it’s hard to see.
But the pain I feel isn’t going away today.

So, just let me cry.
Till every tear has fallen.
Don’t ask when...
and don’t ask why.
Just let me cry.

When I agreed that God could put this heart inside me.
I understood that there would be a chance that it would break.
But I know He knows exactly how I’m feeling...
And I know in time He’ll take the pain away.

But for now...
Just let me cry.
I know it’s hard to see.
But the pain I feel isn’t going away today.
Just let me cry.
Till every tear has fallen.
Don’t ask when...
and don’t ask why.
Just let me cry.

I have felt joy,
the kind that makes my heart want to sing.
And so my tears are not a surrender,
I’ll feel that way again.
But for now...

For this moment...

Just let me cry.
I know it’s hard to see.
But the pain I feel.
Isn’t going away today.
Just let me cry.
Till every tear has fallen.
Don’t ask when...
and don’t ask why.

Just let me cry.


The Lunds said…
I am glad that you guys decided to take the drive to visit friends on the way out. I can only imagine what it is like.

Our love and prayers are with you,
Anonymous said…
glad to hear you're making the best of things.... i'm thinking of you & will be looking forward to seeing you when you get back to AB :-)
We are thinking of you.

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