Lil'z Lidz

Lillian has become a crocheting MANIAC!! It's hilarious. . . She's crocheting pretty much any awake minute. I'll find her trying to crochet under the table during meals. . . watching tv, in the car, in her bed (with her spy infrared light that fits behind her ear!!) She began by making a hat while we were in Canada and fell in love with it. . .

Also this year, she tried out for a competitive synchronized skating team, and made it!! When we realized the cost of the team, we were unsure if we could make it work. (it's been a pretty interesting year!! ha. . .)

Well, couple the love of crocheting with her love for skating and Lillian came up with selling hats to help pay for her team. To be honest, I wasn't sure how it would work out, but she is so dedicated and has already had a couple of customers!! I'm so proud of her tenacity and her work ethic.

Madison has been using her brilliance to help on the marketing end - she's made business cards for Lil, put an advertisement up on their blog (I'll include a copy of that below), and helps her sometimes with the crocheting as well. These girls just might make it big one day!

Lillian and her friend, sporting her own creations - notice her tag on the back of the pink hat.

Here's Lillian's first official sale. She just finished her first custom order today and will be putting that in the mail tomorrow!

Some of the hats that Lillian has made. (She's showing you her halfway-done teal one.)

From Madison and Lillian's Blog a few weeks ago:

Lillian's New Career


As you may already know, Lillian started knitting about 2 years ago. But this past year she has learned to crochet!

I love crocheting!

Yes, we all know, Lil! Anyway, she made herself a cute beanie with her new technique.

It took a while for me to get in the hang of it. But it was a lot of fun!

After wearing it around a few times, people were interested in her hat that she made! So, now Lil is making more, and she's going to start selling them for $15 dollars each. And I am helping her to advertise her cute creations and help to sell them! I get 10% of the profit.

I must admit that they are really comfortable and fashionable! I wear mine almost everyday, and it would look really cute in the fall. I am excited to start selling some of these! The girl at the top is going to be my new logo, and my business is called Lil'z Lidz!

My dad thought of that.

If any of you are interested in buying one let me know, because I am happy to make you one! We only have 1 color right now, but we will soon have more! Here is a picture of what it looks like when it is all done.

Cute, huh? I really like the string. Let us know if would be interested in purchasing one!


Christi said…
I will take a white and/or dark purple for Rissa please, and a white one for Claire!! They will be perfect for fall. If only they were hand delivered too!! :(
(they both have big heads!for girls. they get that from the Thurber side-watch out!!haha JK)
Love you girls!!
Michelle said…
Cute! She should try and sell them on esty. I bet they would go like wild-fire!
Anonymous said…
*love* the hats, lil!!! keep up the good work :-)
Mandy said…
I wish I had a girl! Maybe for my friend's daughters. Can you do 3 pink one's?
mechan said…
I love them. So I will order 2 of them . I will even pay for shipping
I want one white and one light purple
i will send your mom my new address and good luck to you .
cgchip said…
Your Lidz are terrific, Lil. I am so proud of both you and Madison for your great enthusiasm for creativity. It's a super patnership! I would like the green/brown multi colored one, as well as a black/ grey and/or white multi one if you can find the yarn. If not I'll pick another- red
You could really sell these like hot cakes they are so cute.
Love you gals, Nana.
RH said…
So adorable, exactly the kind of hats Amandine loves to wear, Igaretr am going to need a couple.
Skye O. said…
how do I place an order? I want a white one--for me!

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