I Promise! It's a CAT!

Last week, we had our (what we believed to be the) final interview with the government regarding our applications for permanent residency. It did not go well. After the interview, many people asked what happened, and why it was such a traumatic experience. . . I've dreaded talking too much about it as it's still evoking such high emotions for me right now - and with it all still pending on an addendum we filed yesterday, I hesitate to advertise the details. However, I can't get it out of my head and thought I'd satiate my desire to scream with an eerily similar analogy of our meeting. . .

This is a *fictional* account based on actual events.

We began our interview by being sworn in. Milo, Madison, and Ella were in the room with me, along with our attorney and the interviewing officer. We were asked a series of questions, which we answered honestly.
(ie. "no, we do not have any intention of participating in espionage!")

In front of the officer is the documents that we provided to the government over the past several months. One of the documents is a picture of a fluffy white cat. Long tail, pointy ears, pink nose. Undeniably a cat.

Officer: Your application is not approved due to the information you supplied. You were told to submit a picture of a cat but instead sent in a picture of a dog.

Me: Pardon me? The picture we sent in was most definitely a cat!

Attorney: Can I see the document to which you're referring?

Me: (I half-way stand to look, completely relieved when she tilts the file towards us - sure it's getting worked out.) Oh, there! Look at the whiskers, dogs don't have whiskers like that! Look how it's sitting. . .


Madison and Ella: (Pale as ghosts, looking like they've been slapped.)

Milo: Is there anyone in the building that is perhaps a veterinarian or a zoo-keeper who could take a look at the picture?

Officer: I don't appreciate you questioning the integrity of this institution!

Milo: I'm sorry, I just. . .

Officer: This conversation is over.

Milo: I didn't mean to. . .


Madison and Ella: (terror and tear filled eyes.)

We left with the assignment of acquiring affidavits that our picture of a cat was, in fact, a picture of a cat. . . Our lawyer called it 'our burden to bear'. . . and we've born it. The specialists we had to go to were as stumped as we were, signing their names to affidavits that were so blaringly obvious. But, it's all in again. We hope that our reaction of surprise when the officer thought they were seeing a dog doesn't cause prejudice when our petition is looked at once again. We hope it was only our passion for the truth that was taken from our meeting on their end.

A short time after this meeting, Taylor Swift's "MEAN" came on the radio. The words fit so well with our experience, that it's been in my head since.

You, with your words like knives and swords and weapons that you use against me
You have knocked me off my feet again got me feeling like I'm nothing
You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard, calling me out when I'm wounded
You, pickin' on the weaker man

Well, you can take me down with just one single blow
But you don't know what you don't know

Someday I'll be living in a big old city
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me
And all you're ever gonna be is mean

Why you gotta be so mean?

Hopefully the officer (and, or supervisors) isn't truly mean, and just misused some power that day. Hopefully, since it wasn't an out-and-out denial of our 'green card', when our file is looked at again, they'll see the cat for what it is and sign it off as APPROVED. I'll totally change my song then!

My good friend has a great blog and recently wrote an entry which resonates perfectly with my feelings here. Read what she has to say here!

While we're waiting for our NEW 'final word', I've found things to be thankful for. Among things too numerous to name, I'm thankful for my amazing husband, our wonderful daughters, our extended family, friends who buoy me up and remind me how strong I am, and, I'm not too proud to admit, I'm thankful for chocolate and mindless tv that has gotten me through some of the roughest times!! I saw this quote a few days ago, and it inspires me to stop asking the 'whys' and just keep on keepin' on. . .

Life can only be understood backwards. Unfortunately, it must be lived forward. -Kierkegaard


M said…

Props to you, I would have been thrown in a cell for the comments that would have been coming out of my mouth.
Robyn said…
Unbelievable story! I'm sorry you've had to go through this!
Courtney said…
Sounds like the government to me..the stuff Chad tells me about how they run things you think you are in the Twilight zone and the people they promote to positions of authority? They are the losers..the ones that threaten lawsuits at the drop of a hat. It's sad and pathetic, but unfortunately your not alone in your experience! I am sorry that you've had to go through all that..but you got what you wanted!! Yah!

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