Down the Hatch

Ella has been seeing an Alternative Doctor lately, and is on some supplements that she has to take three times a day. For the first couple of weeks, she took them all without complaint, but she's getting quite tired of doing it. I tried 'rewards' of a shiny dime or quarter every time she takes them without complaint, and that bought me a few more days of easy swallowing, but she's become disenchanted with the whole idea now. Sometimes I encourage her by telling her that not many kids her age can swallow pills (She's been doing it since her Grammy brought her some supplements last year to help with this same problem and made them cool by teaching her "Down the Hatch"!) And I tell her how amazed some people would be. . . I'm hoping that friends far and near wouldn't mind giving her a little encouragement to keep her going for another little while. We were seeing some big improvements, but are at a bit of a standstill right now, and I really don't want this to be a negative experience for her. Here is our Gabs taking her pills tonight. . . sorry about the chanting that the battery was dying, but I was afraid I wouldn't get it all in. . . ha. . . So, here it is - DOWN THE HATCH.


mechan said…
I hated swallowing my pills during chemo so my dad would mix them in my yogurt. He would watch to see if ate it all then if I did I would get a jelly bean for every one I swallowed. That might be the trick instead of money . I got the jelly beans to wash out the nasty taste.
I know how she feels to this day I hate swallowing pills. Tell her it will make her better in more ways then one.
Celeste Adams said…
My heck Hilary. I just caught up on your blog and you guys have been through a lot lately. Let me know if you guys need any help. We are not THAT far away. Maybe even some time to sit back and relax a little?
Chel said…
Taylor says, "Good Job, Ella! Wow that's alot of're a rock star!!"
The Amayesings said…
Looks like you've been busy, busy, busy! Hopefully when the sun returns you'll all start to feel better.
Gornichec's said…
that is hilarious! I can't get any one of my kids to take even a tiny gravol! that's amazing! way to go Ella!
Kara said…
She's a super star!!! Truly, that is amazing for a little girl. I hope they work wonders for her!

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