Jumping on board.

I've been tagged a few times on Facebook, and have been thinking about writing this (see #4!) for a while now. . . the little girls are playing nicely and the big girls are at swimming, so I quickly (or not quite so quickly, actually) tried to systematically think of 25 random things. . . hmmm. . . anyway, thought I'd post them here as well. . .

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

1. If there is no background music or conversation to partake in, I constantly sing under my breath . . .It makes for a very dry mouth. . .

2. I *HATE* when someone misunderstands me - (usually completely on my own accord, but never intentional!!) It makes me feel stressed, trying to correct the misunderstanding without sounding rude or whatever. . . even if it's tiny, I just hate it.

3. I'd rather be in Hawaii than pretty much any where else on any given day. . . it's been a while, though - so maybe I should just go and make sure it's still the paradise I remember it being. . .

4. I write in my head constantly. . . blog posts, emails, songs, stories, *anything*. . .

5. Watching my kids do what they love brings me more joy than I could have ever imagined - watching Madison swim, Lillian show me a figure skating trick, Ella just presented a project on skunks to her kindergarten class, Vivien sing and dance. . . I know it sounds cliche, but my 'cup runneth over'.

6. I have have a hard time with rude kids. . . especially when they are my own. . . much, much worse than fingernails on a blackboard.

7. I really hate cold weather. . . especially the deep freeze we've been in this winter. . . yuck!!!

8. I love to take pictures. I'm not great, but I love doing it anyway!

9. I have the greatest three sisters possible. I pray every day that my girls will feel the same way when they are adults.

10. Sometimes I love to just forget any duties I may have and watch a movie. . . I love the escape!!

11. I *LOVE* a clean house, and am very grumpy when it's messy, but it's a HUGE effort for me to keep it clean. . .

12. I think about friends near and far every day. . . I'm always in awe at the friends that I have, their talents, gifts, etc. . .

13. I used to love drama. Now I do all that I can to stay away from it. . . Sadly, sometimes I'll even withdraw from people instead of working through it. . . I dislike that about myself, and am really trying to change.

14. Even at the worst of a disagreement with Milo, I know that I am the luckiest woman in the world to not only have married the world's best father, but also the best husband. . .

15. I love email; love, LOVE email, but I still wish every day that something cool would come in the actual mail box - will that ever go away?

16. I've known for a long time that my girls would be taller than me. . . I now know that I don't have much more time before it occurs, and it makes me a little nervous. . .

17. I start a lot more things than I finish.

18. I'm sad when I drive through Detroit and see the repair that the majority of houses are in.

19. I think about homeschooling at least a couple of times a week.

20. I never thought I could love a mini van - tolerate it, if I must, but not love. . . until we got our souped up Honda Odyssey. I really do love my van. . .

21. I don't see my family (either side) nearly enough. . . oh, to have a private jet. . .

22. I love to research. . . much more than I did in school, unfortunately! Give me a topic, and I'm off. . . I've found solutions to many issues this way for friends and family. . .I love it!

23. I've learned my limit to crisis & adversity is a lot higher than I ever would have imagined. . . I can't believe that I've gotten through this past year and am still around to talk (or cry . . .) about it. . . ha!!

24. I am a complete believer in alternative medicine, chiropractic and energy work. . . I've seen way too many amazing things to ever doubt.

25. I love to read and I really want a "library" in my house when we 'grow up'. . . (can I add one more thing?? I'd love a master bath then, too!!!)


Aimee said…
I secretly love tags, because I learn so much about people!

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