A great week for MUSIC

I am *so* excited about two new albums that came out on Tuesday. . . One, I've been waiting months for, and the other, I'm shocked to admit, I didn't realize was coming up so quickly. Anyone who knows me pretty well knows my love for music - the lyrics, the melodies, ALL of it. . . I could go on and on, but I've decided to erase the wordy, gushing paragraph I just wrote and try to keep this short and sweet!

The first album that I've been listening to almost non-stop is "Poseidon and the Bitter Bug" by the INDIGO GIRLS. It's *awesome*. My favorite songs so far (give me time to know for sure!) are "Fleet of Hope", "I'll change" and "Sugar Tongue". Really, really clever lyrics, great harmonies. . .mmmmm. . . I recommend getting the album. The coolest part is that it's a two-disc album, one with the big studio band, and one stripped down with just the girls & their guitars. . . very cool. . .

The next album that I'm having to share my time with now since I was unprepared is Martina McBride's new one - SHINE. So great. So far, although I've only heard it about once and a half, while I was cleaning my kitchen - I'm *LOVING* "I Just Call You Mine". How fitting for Milo. . . so grateful I get to call him MINE. . .

While discussing music, the other thing that's gotten me through the surgery and crazy illness that I've been struggling with the last few weeks has been Hilary Week's newest album - "If I Only Had Today". The title song is amazing, but the song that gets me the most is "Just let me Cry". *ahhhhh*. . . I've needed that exact sentiment lately - and it's been wonderful to listen to.
Alright - Back to listening. . . the fun part now is that my friend, Kristine, and I are getting better on the guitar every day - so I'm able to hack my way through some of my favorite songs - can't wait to learn some of these. . . What are y'all listening to??


Jen B. said…
Cool -- I must check them out. I must admit that I am always behind (like several years) when it comes to music so I need some good new stuff!
Tulip Girl said…
Good, I needed new tunes. I am with Jen on being behind.
Robyn said…
Make that 3 of us. I think if I listened to the actual radio once in a while I might hear new music. Gotta give these a try!
Orme Family said…
So COOL! Why don't you and Milo move to Indiana! PLEEEEESE!
Kara said…
Oooh, I'm loading up itunes right now, I didn't know indigo girls had a new ablum....luv them :-)

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