It Takes a Village

I have thought about this post many, many times over the past year, but laziness (or lack of pictures of you all) has kept me from actually writing it. Last night as I was trying to fall asleep, I felt strongly about getting this out there. I am so grateful for all of the wonderful influences that my girls have - and there are many. Sometimes I feel sorry for myself and our little family for living so far away from our families. But we have been blessed beyond measure by the friends that we have made and have become our adoptive families. We have had phenomenal teachers, who have been more like aunts or grandparents (and sisters and mothers to Milo and I.) We have had friends that help in the best and worst of times. (Coming over dressed and ready to clean up tonnes of SEWAGE, or help me organize our losses definitely qualifies as the worst of times! Among many, many other things!) The love that we have for each of you is very real. Thank you for loving our children, for watching them, caring for them, teaching them, kindly correcting them, feeding them (oh, so often - feeding them!), and playing with them. I do believe that 'it takes a village' to raise up a wonderful child, and without you, our lives would not be the same. I think just as important have been those of you who have offered me a shoulder to cry on when motherhood is tough, great words of wisdom, or even just an escape from it all every once in a while so that I can come back and be the kind of mother that my kids deserve. Thank you so much for being in our lives. . . I apologize that I don't have the best pictures. . . some of you, I only have pictures of your kids, somehow - but know that I still am so grateful and you are not forgotten. Because of when we got our digital camera, I'm missing pics of many of my amazing Iowa & Dallas friends - from whom I learned *so* much. . .I also just want to mention how important my friend's parents and my aunts & uncles are to me - I think of you often now that my girls are getting bigger and I think of the friendships that I had, and the influence that they had on how I now parent. . . I'm grateful for my "other moms".



Orme Family said…
That was such a kind post! I loved looking through the pictures. That one of me was pretty aweful! It made me laugh.
Anonymous said…
*love* this post!! your pics were great....
Gornichec's said…
I love you Hilary! you are always so thoughtful.
Melissa J. said…
That was so neat - it made my day! Thanks for being such a great friend.
I think you are such an awesome mom!! So, ditto to everything. Thanks for the fun slide show.
jbrimhall said…
This is a wonderful post! I sat mesmorized watching the slide show -- so many great women (including yourself) and so many great memories. Thanks for all the joy that you have brought to me and to my little family.
You left some extrememly kind words on my blog. You are really thoughtful! I loved your post and appreciate the time that you took to write down your thoughts. You are an inspriring person!
Anonymous said…
So very sweet-just like you! I feel privileged to have been lead to this place where I got to meet you. Thanks for all you've taught me! -Mary

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