Private Or Public? And Why?

Alright, friends. I've been debating back and forth for months about keeping this blog public or going private. What are your opinions? If you've gone private, what motivated you to do that? If you're still public, why have you chosen to stay that way? I'd love any and all opinions as I'm trying to make this decision. . .



mechan said…
i stay public because I have met some interesting people by the comments they have left. Plus I don't care who reads the blog I have learned my lesson on what i put on it.
Aimee said…
I put a ton of pictures up, and I like to use our names and talk about where we live. I decided to go private to stay on the safe side, and it was at the urging of my hubby and relatives.
Chel said…
I've left ours public because I've enjoyed getting to know other people better through their blogs and thought I would return the favor. After our move to small town Wyoming, I'll change it over to private since I'm sure people will know too much of our business in a small town anyway :)
Michelle said…
The way I see it, if people really want to find me or steal my pics or anything they are gonna find a way to do it whether my blog is public or private. Google, not my silly little blog, is a "bad guy's" best friend.
I'm in agreement with Michelle. Though I was a bit creeped out when a stranger left a weird comment in poor grammar and spelling. So I've had those thoughts too.
The Amayesings said…
Mixed feelings like you. Want to be open, but get nervous about the weirdos out there. Just trying to be careful about details I share.
Kristine said…
I am a fan of staying public. I have also had some cool experiences of random people who I used to keep in touch with who thanked me for what I had written. You never know who is going to be deeply touched by something. I try not to be paranoid about these types of things. I agree with Michelle.
Mandy said…
I went private because I didn't want people I din't know judging my opinions and thoughts, as well, for my child's own safety. Not that I have had problems with it, but just the potential of it. You really never know who's looking on you blog or "stalking" it. It was really more for safety and peace of mind.
Mandy said…
OH! in case you didn't recognize me, I used to be Mandy Russell...Bill and Donna's daughter.

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