Nighty Night.

We're settling in for another night here at the hospital.  Michelle, I'm taking your advice and sleeping on the bed with Ella tonight!  Thanks for all of your prayers and thoughts - it's made a difference for us sitting here - Ella loves to read what people are saying - it puts a huge smile on her face.  Thanks, also for your visits - It took Ella's mind off of her aches and helped her find bright spots in her days. . . She was so lucky that her Auntie Tristin was coming this weekend for a show in Detroit, so she even got a visit from her tonight!

I asked Ella what the best part of being in the hospital was - she said it was her ride in wheelchair to the ultrasound!  She was hurting so much that every bump made her moan, but she still had a huge grin on her face as she was being pushed through the big hospital.

She had been asking all night for her sisters, and they did not disappoint.  The came twice today, so doting and loving.  They left her little notes to remind her that they were thinking of her.

It is a rare blessing to spend this much time with a middle child. . . Although I **hate** that she's not feeling well, and of course wish it could be different, I have loved being with my Ella non-stop for the past week.  She is such a sweet, funny, happy little girl who LOVES her friends, teachers, family, etc with all of her very big heart.  She has often sounded older than usual as we've read together the messages that have been sent to us - she'll say things like, 'that was so sweet of her!' or 'I'm glad that she's thinking about me." Simple sentences, but ones that have me suppressing giggles so that she doesn't get self-conscious. Oh, she's been cranky and sad, too, but it's easy to understand why and then she'll look at me with her big, innocent eyes and ask for a kiss or to hold her hand, and I'm melted.


Anonymous said…
i'm glad you're enjoying your time with your little belle. it's too bad the circumstances aren't different, but you know.... when life hands you lemons.... i know what you mean about them sounding older than they are too ~ natalie started calling me 'mom' today. i'm hoping it's not permanent... i miss mama & mommy.... how do these babies grow up so fast???? sleep tight, thurber girls....
Wow Ella. That wheelchair looks huge! Looks like a fun ride though ;) . We hope you get to come home soon. Sofia wanted to visit, but Grayson was sick so we couldn't. FEEL BETTER SOON!
Anonymous said…
Love and Hugs and the Smoochiest Kisses to my sweetest Gabriella,you are on the Temple prayer roll so here's hoping you get well real soon! love from Grammy and Papa Moe

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