Hiding Out

So - I've written many blog entries in my head the last couple of weeks - it's just that none of them have made it to fruition. . . Even now - I should be getting ready to go to the girl's Ice Cream Social at the school instead of typing here, but I did feel a small rant was in order. Our fridge is gone. Caputs. Warm. It happened sometime Sunday. We saved some things - we have a little cooler that plugs in. . . We're not sure what we're doing. We found an AWESOME fridge on Craigslist, absolutely perfect - - but it's 3 inches too big. Will not fit in the space provided. AUGH. So, we're still roughing it with our cooler, unsure if we are going to try to service the fridge (for the second time in 4 months) or replace it. . . AUGH. . . and the money is NOT growing on the tree we planted out back. What WILL we do???


The Amayesings said…
Sorry we can't be there to lend a hand somehow. Hang in there and something will come about which will be an answer to prayers.
Unknown said…
When we built our house, we bought a fairly new fridge outside of the appliance package that the builder alotted as we found and awesome deal for a MUCH better fridge than we would have gotten. Come move-in day we realize that the small wall that serves as a divider from the kitchen to the living room was put up approx. 2.5 inches further into the kitchen than it should have been... so the new fridge would not fit. As the builder was not going to rip the wall down and redo it and Mark is rather stubborn, he ended up tearing out 1/2 of the wall and squeezing the fridge in. It fits like a glove, but if the fridge is ever moved, we're greeted with a lovely plywood wall. Of course this awesome fridge stopped working 2 times last year as well - I know the cooler and spoiled food all too well. Thinking good (cold) thoughts for you!
p.s. Mark also bought a microwave that was too big for the built-in microwave shelf, so he chisled the sides of that one away... if we ever move all of the appliances will have to stay... :o)
Michelle said…
We have a tiny mini fridge just sitting in our basement that you are welcome to borrow until you figure things out. Just give me a call and it's yours.
Jen B. said…
Holy cow -- what a bummer. Wish we were there to provide you our old fridge. I cannot believe how expensive they are. Hopefully you are able to find something soon! (BTW, I heard that there is some kind of Sears outlet with cheaper scratch and dent fridges.)
Tulip Girl said…
Sears scratch and dent is in Livonia. Do you still need a frig? We have one in the house there still....

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