Happy New Year!

Last year we sent a "Happy New Year" slide show in lieu of Christmas cards, and while we're not sure it was as fun for you all as it was for us, we've decided to continue it as a tradition. . . so, here we go!

We have had quite the exciting 2008 - there truly never
was a dull moment. . . please watch our highlights of 2008 slide show.

Just a little preview. . .
*Lillian's swimming*Vivien's tongue*Great friends*Great family*Ella's self-imposed haircut & the rescue*Madison's orthodontia*Hil at the Grand Ole Opry*Florida*Singing*Madison honored as a great 'Young Author'*Jewel embedded in Ella's ear*Our first garden*Milo called as a Bishop in our church*Trip to Canada*Raymond*Calgary*Horse back riding*More great friends*Michael Phelps moments*Hilary's Sisters trip*Vivien's in Joyschool*Ella's in kindergarten*and more. . .

Because of our great friends and family, we were able to get through a lot this year! We really do believe that we are better for knowing each of you!!

We hope that you had a great 2008, and that your 2009 is going to be *fine*!


Gornichec's said…
that is so cool! good job! fun to see all the events in order like that!
Tam said…
very cute, such a fun family. happy new year!!!
Tiffany D said…
What a beautiful family! It looks like you guys are still playing hard and having fun!
Chel said…
Such a fun recap of your year! The girls and I loved seeing all the great photos...
Skye O. said…
How fun! Your girls are beautiful!

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