Thurber Gang FUN!

We've gone back to the basics this week!! And it's been a blast. . . We've decided that what we all need is just a break from the outside world and concentrate for an entire week on just the fun we can have as a family. It's not like we never do things as a family - we try to as often as we can, but we've been blessed to have Milo home more than normal this week, and the girls have had several days off school, both because of cold days and today for MLK day, so it seemed like the perfect time.

I'll post some other pics soon, but I thought I'd show you some photos of our "Cleaning Wars" today. We split into teams - "Lightening Bolts" (Milo, Madison & Vivien) and "Toe Stompers" (Hil, Lilly and Ella) For the first few rounds, we tied up legs with Milo's socks and had to complete chores 'three legged' style. . . we did dishes, took down *hundreds* of snowflakes that had been made this winter, cleaned desks & counters and bedrooms. . . I'd have to say that the teams were pretty even, and I was super happy with the teamwork that occured - we all had a blast! The next segment was kids against mom and dad - we had a few loads of laundry that needed to be folded, so our mission was to see who could go faster - mom and dad folding, or the four girls putting things away - including towels, sheets, hanging up, etc. . . the girls *AMAZED* us. they were waiting every few minutes because we just could not fold fast enough!

We rewarded them with some ice cream and some more fun family time. . . the last few days have been so fun and we've got more planned for the next few. . . it's so easy to get down with all that's going on here, and this has just been the perfect antidote!!!

Madison & Ella, practice the three legged racing around the kitchen table.

Lillian and Vivien, going just a bit slower, but still having a great time.

My favorite girls. . .

This was a good way to wake up and do chores, they've decided!!

A couple of days ago, I could only hear uproarous giggles coming from Madison and Lillian's room - I followed, and this is what I found. . . Sisterly love - Lillian is under there - you may have to look hard. . . ha. . .

Madison and Lillian have started a "Radio Show" They've done a few episodes now (I need to figure out how to get a clip on here - it's adorable!) After today's trip to Costco, they felt sure they needed the boxes to create their broadcast booth . . . they stayed up as late as we'd let them tonight taping boxes together and coloring - they are determined to work on it the minute they get home from school tomorrow. . . (dare I look for spoons and inside out jammies tonight? their 'spell' for a snow day?) How we love seeing our girls loving each other so much, and having such fun. . . I don't want this Thurber Gang Fun Week to end. . . We're definitely starting traditions that we'll enjoy for a long time to come. . .


Tam said…
Such good ideas! I'll have to remember them. Your beautiful family of girlies gives me lots to look forward to:) How fun!
Bella said…
That is such a great idea!!! I need to remember that!
Anonymous said…
We wish we were there to be the referee. You guys are great. Love Nanaand Papa
Jen B. said…
Your girls are always such fun -- they must take after their creative mom!
Anonymous said…
looks like fun. i wish i had enough kids to make teams... my housework would get done a lot faster!!!!
Robyn said…
I LOVE it!!! I am SO incredibly jealous of all you people with sisters! Brothers are just not the same.

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