Vivie-isms. . .

I was putting Vivien to bed tonight and we were talking about what she was going to be when she grows up. . . I said something about her being a little girl, and she said, 'No, Mom! I'm a kid now.' I can't believe my baby is old enough to be a 'kid'!

While we were talking, I was making up a story about 'Victor'. She asked me "What's his thirsname?" I think she's meaning 'first name', so I answer, 'Victor'. Then she says, "So then what's his Saturdayname?" I started busting up, because for as long as she's understood "First Name", she's understood it as "THURS-name". . . I had tears rolling down my face while she's trying to still get the answer. "you know, mom? My Saturdayname is Thurber (Serber), so what's Victor's?" When I finally calmed down to make one up (that old standby, Eyeball Magilicuty. . .) she said, really calmly, "That was funny for you, mom?"


Jen B. said…
That is SO funny! She is such a smart girl. And who is that in the picture -- she looks too old to be only 3.
The Amayesings said…
How funny. Loved it. Thanks for sharing.

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