Lillian's Baptism - January 4th, 2009

Lillian was so lucky to have been able to be baptized right on her birthday! We had a fantastic day. Her Nana and Papa traveled from Calgary to be here - during a *crazy* time, but they kept saying that nothing could have kept them away. . . Lilly was sure glad. The day was beautiful. During the program, Madison gave a talk about Baptism, and Nana gave a talk about Confirmation. While Lillian was getting dried and changed into her baptism dress, we played a slideshow of her life so far - like we did for Madison's (I can post that one a little later). Then, all of the four girls sang "Jesus Christ was Baptized". The three older girls sang it beautifully, accompanied by my friend, Skye (thanks again!) Vivien, on the other hand, stood up at the front and immediately stood on one foot and put her arms out for a grand pose. Then she proceeded to pick her nose. REALLY pick her nose!! I tried to quietly get her to remove her finger, and she stage whispered 'I almost got it, Mom!!' Sadly, when she finished that side, she moved on to the other. As soon as the chorus came, she joined in for a few words and then went back to posing and smiling huge cheesy smiles. At the end of the song, the three girls took their seats, and Vivien stayed up, and did the biggest ballerina curtsey she could muster. . . hmmmm. . . a little performer in our midst? Papa (Hil's dad) performed the confirmation, and Lillian was just beaming at the end. What a sweet girl she is. . . when I asked her how she felt after being baptized, she said, "wet. . .am I allowed to say that?" It was funny. . . she didn't want to deminish the spirit, but it was the first thing to come to her mind. . . So many people came, and just as many sent their best wishes and were there in spirit. We are just so grateful.

Mom, Lillian and Dad just before being baptized.

Nana (Gail Chipman), Papa (Clark Chipman), Milo, Hil, Madison, Ella (who had just gotten hit in the face while playing with some kids and was having a hard time opening up her eye - only pictures we have are these pirate pictures!!) and Vivien - being *so* sweet. . .

Lillian has such great friends! Here are a couple of them - Emma and Sydney (with Brayden in the background.)

Johanna with Lillian.

**Alright - her slide show will come later - I don't know WHAT'S up, but I haven't been able to post it, and I've tried a myriad of ways. . . now I'm just giving up until I have a little patience to come back to it!!**


Robyn said…
I LOVE the story of Vivien's nose picking! That is hilarious! The pictures are beautiful. Johanna and Lillian look like they could be sisters in that photo!
Tulip Girl said…
Ah, I wish we could have been there. I am so grateful it was a beautiful and great day for your family.

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