Quirky Me!

I was tagged by Susan to "publish for the world to see" six of my quirks. The sad thing is that six will probably not even get us started. . . hmmm. . . I do like calling my annoying habits quirks, though - it just sounds more endearing!!! Sorry this took so long for me to accomplish, Susan, but just check out quirk #1 and then maybe you'll cock your head to the side and think 'ah- that's an endearing quality'. . . instead of being annoyed!!!

1. Every day is a marathon to me. I do things in an order that makes complete sense to me - but can leave others spinning. . . I'm *always* behind, but I'm also always super busy. . . this is what I mean: (drumroll . . .) I'll have a day that's all laundry. Laundry and more laundry. It will be a marathon of sorting, stain removal, folding, etc. The subsequent days, laundry will pile up. Emails - I'll have a marathon day of writing emails. . . reply to those that I haven't yet, etc (a 'quirk' that some people see as holding back!!!) or a marathon day of errands. Even a marathon day of laziness. (Those are my favorite!! ha.) So - I'm always busy, but on errand day, there are inevitably tonnes of laundry to do, cleaning, emails to reply to, books to read or tv shows to watch!! So the next day . . . busy again!

2. Just like Susan - I love to start projects and then not finish them. I have unfinished cards, scrapbooks, sewing projects, decorating projects, crafts, fixer-uppers, books, journals, letters, ideas, etc. You name it, I've probably started one and not finished it. I think I get great ideas to do something and then hit a snag and just give it up and hope I'll get back to it.

3. I talk in tangents. I don't just go off on tangents, I actually have several at a time that make complete sense to me, but I can see baffles others. I sometimes "hover over myself", listening to what I'm saying, and the little Hilary on my shoulder is saying "This detail is not important! Get on with the point!!" (Wait - is that the little Hilary, or is it Milo???) ;-)

4. Again, like Susan, I'm a PILER. Much to Milo's chagrin (however, he SO is one, too - but we won't go there now!!) I have piles of everthing all over the house. . . school papers, bills, misc papers. . . projects, clothes, etc. . . this is a 'quirk' that I would GLADLY be rid of!

5. I can NOT stand bubble gum chomping. Chewing - fine. That slurpy snappy sound??? Seriously. Worse than fingernails on a chalkboard by about 1000%!!! I'll take it away from my girls if I hear it. (Right, Lillian?)

6. I check my email every time I walk past my computer. My computer is located in the kitchen. You can imagine how often I press the little 'send/receive' button! The sad part is that I really don't get a tonne of emails, unless you count spam. Thankfully, Lisa remedies my need for emails as I usually get at least a couple from her a day. I also can't wait to find out about concerts and shows that are coming to the city (even though I rarely go - it's great to dream.) So, I look forward to the emails from 'Nederlander Detroit' that gives me this information. . .

I'm on a role - really? Only six?? ;-)

I'm tagging anyone who wants to publicly admit their quirks. It's true that there are a few of you that I would love to know what you'd say - but I'll leave it up to you to reveal. . .

1.Link to the person who tagged you
2.Mention the rules on your blog
3.Tell 6 unspectacular quirks about you
4.Tag 6 following bloggers by linking to them
5.Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger's blogs letting them know they've been tagged.


mechan said…
i tag you back
my blog is
Jen B. said…
Hil -- love the list. I must say that many of your quirks are also mine -- that's what friends are all about right. To relish in our craziness.
susan g said…
Ha! Totally funny. I came across some pics from good ole BYUH the other day of you and me, posing for the camera. I don't know who was taking the pictures. Maybe we set the timer. Anyway, miss ya, glad you're quirky like me!!!

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