Almost Enough to Drive me to Drink!

I've been having some work done on my teeth. Unfortunately, it has not been at all pleasant. A lot of numbing, renumbing, drilling, digging, cutting gums, bleeding, filling, making molds, etc. Today's appointment was meant to be a little better than last - it was only 2.5 hours as compared to over 3 hours last week. I was uncomfortable, but the shock didn't set in until the freezing wore off a few hours later. I must have a nerve exposed or SOMETHING - I can't talk right, can't eat or drink (I literally JUMP when something even touches my tooth - including my tongue or saliva!) I almost cried when I tried to comfort myself by sucking on a mini egg - steering clear of that whole side of my mouth, of course, when the sugary saliva worked it's way to my tooth. There's no consolation at all!!! In all of this, however, I've had multiple people come and offer *much appreciated* assistance. . . driving my kids home tonight when I just couldn't wait for activities to be over, offering to babysit while I (hopefully!) have it fixed tomorrow, even picking up a prescription for some major drugs. (I know, I know! Get back up off the floor - desperate times call for desperate measures - even for this chemical-hating girl!) Now that I'm partially sedated (maybe this message won't make sense when I read it in the morning!!) I'm going to head to bed, and pray that the nerve will either die, or bury itself nicely back into my mouth. . . since neither are likely to happen, I guess I will ultimately steel myself for another lengthy and painful visit to the dentist. Numbing cocktail, anyone???


The Amayesings said…
That's the WORST!!!! Hang in there, and hopefully all will be better manana.
Skye O. said…
that picture says it all. I hate going to the dentist! Hang in there and PLEASE let me know if you need anything.
YIKES! I wondered where you went last night. I hope it's not as bad next time. I picked my jaw up off the floor...take the drugs if it will help lady!! Call me if you need anything. I'm only 30 seconds away.
Chel said…
That picture is enough to scare anyone. I hate the dentist...hope the chemicals help and you can get into the dentist to fix it quickly!! Call me if you need anything...
Jen B. said…
OUCH! I am sure that you will be pumped after the work is OVER!
Robyn said…
You poor thing. I've been putting off having my wisdom teeth taken out for about 4 years. Yours sounds a whole lot worse than that! Get the drugs!!!
Orme Family said…
Hey, I am so excited to see that you know Sissel!!! I absolutely LOVE that song. Her voice is one of my all time favorite voices. By the way, I'll be didn't look so good today. AHHHH! I can not believe you have to go through all that !!!

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