Dancing With the Stars - The Next Generation.

Tonight after finishing supper at the Thurman's all of the kids went downstairs while the adults visited in the kitchen. Madison and Lindsay came upstairs, begging for our video camera, which we didn't have with us, and they were so disappointed. They just kept going up and down the stairs, begging us to come and look at Vivien and Brayden. Thankfully, Kendall grabbed his digital camera and grabbed a few seconds of footage, because THIS is what we saw when we went downstairs. . . What do you think? Should we sign them up to be ballroom dancing partners? It's pretty good form for 3 & 4 year olds!! ha. . .

Just after this, Madison, Lindsay, Lillian, Sydney and Ella organized a wedding - and Vivie and Brayden were married. . . they exchanged a plastic bracelet and sealed it with a hug. Silly kiddos. . .


Anonymous said…
oh MY goodness!!! that was **the** cutest and funniest thing i've ever seen!!!!! i love how seriously they were taking it. SO FUNNY!
Skye O. said…
Vivian cracks me up! She is so seroius. I love it!
Chel said…
oh..how fantastic! seriously the sweetest thing ever...and they look like they were choreographed by some talented older sisters :)
Tam said…
oh the things we get roped into by older sibling, although it doesn't look like it took that much roping, these two look pretty pleased with the whole thing. i love the kiss at the end. so cute.
The Amayesings said…
O MY WORD is that the cutest or what?!?!! LOVE it!
Gornichec's said…
send it into the show! it is so adorable!!
Bella said…
This has got to be one of the most cutest things! They look so adorable together!

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