Holy Blogging, Batman!

Well. . . that was certainly a record for me!! And I still have more to say - crazy. . . but, the time has come to remove the contacts from my super tired eyes and pry my husband away from ESPN. . . The rest will have to wait!!


Tam said…
congrats on the fridge! i would never be able to make it a month with out one like you heroically pulled off. love all the posts, can't wait to see more!
Jen B. said…
Holy Cow blogger! I don't even know what comment to leave. Congrats to Lil -- I am sure that she will have a blast at swimming. Cute new beds -- you are always miss creative when it comes to changing up your kids rooms. Yeah! You finally have a fridge (amazing the joy that you can find in the little things of life). Love the joy school video -- wish BO was there with you all.

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