The Tag Along Gang. . .

Jen tagged me with this a couple of days ago - but I thought I'd leave you all in suspense since we all just did another tag - - but now I'm ready - are you?

I am: blessed. I have *so* much to be thankful for!
I think: I have the best husband . . . sorry to the rest of you!! ;-)
I know: That Heavenly Father has a plan for me. . . I have a purpose. . . just sometimes it's hard to see it. . .
I want: a fridge.
I have: the best family and friends. . . thanks everyone!
I dislike: my acne. . . although, I'm trying to embrace it. . . oh, and olives.
I miss: my friends and family that aren't near by.
I fear: for the safety of my girls. There are too many things that can happen to children. . .
I feel: deeply.
I hear: Megan's tv in the background - we're on the phone, but she's doing something, so we're not talking. . . ha.
I smell: the gerbera daisies Melissa gave me for my birthday. (Thanks again!)
I crave: mini eggs. . . or a caramilk. . . but, neither are available to me, darn it!!
I cry: when I'm overwhelmed and overtired (I stole this one from Jen, who stole it from Stacie!)
I usually: go to bed super late. Which *usually* makes me very tired!
I search: for answers to anything - any questions I have, or my friends have, or my kids have. . . I search scriptures, books, the internet . . .
I wonder: what my kids will be like when I have four teenage girls. . . I'm nervous. . .
I regret: that I sometimes separate myself from an awkward situation because the emotions are uncomfortable for me. . . I've missed valuable time with people because of that.
I love: my girls. My husband. My family. My friends. The gospel. Music. Reading and writing.
I care: about people. That sounds like a canned answer, but I really do. My fam & friends especially, of course.
I always: want to help make life better/easier for my fam & friends. Especially if they are struggling.
I worry: that I'm not a good enough mom.
I am not: who/where I thought I'd be at this time of my life. Mostly it's been good surprises. Some things I have to give myself more time. . .
I remember: when I thought parenting was easy - I thought I would have at *least* 8 kids, and thought less was not an option!!
I believe: in the atonement. And am so thankful.
I dance: anytime there's enough open space, and I don't think anyone is watching!
I sing: to keep my sanity. Milo told me recently that he won't let me NOT sing anymore - I get moody without music. . .
I don't always: pay close enough attention to detail. . . (This drives Milo crazy!)
I argue: when I don't think people understand what I'm trying to convey. Sorry to all of you who've been on the receiving end. . . I'm working on it!
I write: stories for kids, stories for me, emails to lisa, and now this blog!
I win: not as much as I'd like to!!
I lose: my patience when kids are whiny or sassy.
I wish: the girls' bedtime (falling asleep, specifically) could be accomplished by a snap of my fingers. After a kiss, of course.
I listen: to music. Almost constantly.
I don't understand: probably more than I realize!
I can usually be found: in the van, i guess - or at the pool, skating rink or ballet studio.
I am scared: of losing more loved ones, even with the faith that I have.
I need: a new fridge!
I forget: a lot! I'm decent at muddling my way through it, but there's often this heavy feeling of 'what am I forgetting NOW?'
I am happy: watching my girls being sweet with each other, jumping on my trampoline (*so* funny, I know! but it DOES make me happy!) hanging out with Milo when neither of us is having to do anything else. Very rare nowadays!

That was fun to think about, but a bit exhausting! Maybe I should treat myself to a little chocolate?


The Amayesings said…
fun to hear more about you! Thanks!

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