We're a Laundry Loving Family!

What better to do when you're bored than get INTO the washing machine??? This is what I found last week after following the *cackles* that were coming from the basement. Don't worry - I have put the kibosh on ever turning the machine on. . . (they may even have nightmares after my little speech - ha . . .)

Vivien fit the best, of course - and she actually climbed in first. . . What a trend setter!

Ella was a little nervous when the drum started moving as she was settling herself in . . . I had to take a super quick picture before helping her out!

Lillian loved being in there - and said that this would be her new reading space - until about a minute passed, and then she was ready to squeeze out!!

Madison tried and tried. Feet first, head first. . . just couldn't get inside. So, she perched - maybe just a little sad about getting bigger. . .

The very next day, Madison was toting Vivien around in a laundry basket. . . Maybe it's time to give the girls more laundry assignments then just helping fold and put away - they're obviously interested in the process!!!


Anonymous said…
***love*** these pics!!!! you're so lucky to have FOUR little helpers. definitely need to put them to work...

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