Speaking about Laundry. . .

This post is for Lisa. . . all of our talk we do about our love/hate relationship with laundry. . . Today while I was in the midst, I thought about taking the picture. When the girls were home from school, I enlisted Madison to show it all off.

This is typically what our basement looks like on laundry day. . . we have several piles for each of us - pants, shirts, etc. On the back of the couch are the piles for ironing and hanging up. . . as well as clean sheets. Notice the amount of towels this family goes through each week!!!! Sadly, I still have a little more folding left for tomorrow. . .


Yes, laundry is definitely the bain of my motherly existence. My most HATED chore for sure. I currently have 3 loads that need folding, one in the washer, and 4 waiting for the washer. The worst part is that I'll do it all again in a few days!! You know that crazy saying "he went postal" (a very 90's phrase I guess) in reference to post office shootings? I heard once that postal workers go crazy because the mail just never stops. Your job is NEVER done. There is always more. That's how I feel about laundry. Maybe when I go nuts from it they'll coin the phrase "she went laundry!!" ha ha.
Chel said…
Not sure which is worse for me, laundry or bathrooms!?
Celeste Adams said…
I agree with ya. Laundry is the worst thing ever. My mom loved to do laundry because of the smell of the clean clothes. I really wish she I had inherited that characteristic from her, but sadly I didn't. Laundry is the last thing on my list to do. Sadly I don't have girls old enough to help either. Karlee is NOT help!
Anonymous said…
thanks for the post!!!!! you definitely get the award for biggest laundry pile. i love that we're partners in laundry crime.... :-)

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